10 Top Speedy Tips To A Clean House

Everyone loves a nice clean home. The only problem with this is that we don't all get the time to clean as much as we think we should. There are a number of tips to help with this matter though.

Use Checklists
Checklists are a great way to use your time productively and you will always have that immaculate home that you are aiming for. If you clean a little each day it then doesn't become such a mammoth task for you to complete. Also, there is great satisfaction in ticking off the tasks as you complete them.

Use A Timer
Setting a timer to 5 minutes per job or however you feel should be sufficient. You will be amazed at how much cleaning you get done in this time. Whether it's the bathroom or the kitchen, believe me you will be surprised at how much can be cleaned in this time. When you are clean using the timer system you won't stop to check your phone or browse face book, because you will want to make the most of every second. This is exactly why this method works so well.

I am a big believer in lists and being organised in all aspects of my life. Lists particularly work well for keeping on top of cleaning duties. Keep track of all the jobs you need to complete and it will help you not to fall behind on it all.

Oven Cleaning
Keeping your oven clean is a big time saver. Each time you use your oven give it a quick clean out, so then you will not have the big massive job of deep cleaning your oven each time. Of course, every now and again you will want to deep clean it but it will not take you as long if you clean as you go.

Multi Task
If you have children, make their bath time routine a chance to tidy the bathroom and clean some areas while you are of course watching them too. You will be surprised at how much can be done.

Make Your Bed
Make sure you make your bed each day. According to Paul from Square "Sounds a very small and menial task but it makes a huge difference to your bedroom. It also makes the whole room look tidier with a nicely made bed. "

Put your laundry away as soon as it is dry. Don't leave it hanging around or in the laundry basket. This will make a massive difference and you won't get laundry stacking up, which then would take longer to sort and put away.

Clean From The Top Down
Always clean from the top down. This is so that any dirt and dust from higher areas will fall down which have not been cleaned yet.

Use Anti-Bacterial Wipes
Anti-bacterial wipes are a great quick, no fuss solution to a lot of cleaning jobs. These can be used in a wide range of uses, such as. Wiping down surfaces, windowsills, bathrooms and more!

Micro fibre cloths are also a great cleaning accessory to have. They will clean everything off the surfaces.

Use A Basket
Walking through your home with a basket and collecting items as you go that don't belong in those areas. It makes you tidy up as you clean your house and then everything will get put in its rightful spot. This will make the whole home feel so much tidier too.

These are just a few tips to help you have a tidier cleaner home with speed.

Article kindly provided by bluesquarecleaning.co.uk

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