Some Tips on Selecting the Right Material for Your New Floor

A good flooring company will survey your property and ask you a number of questions as to how you actually use your home on a day to day basis. Depending on the questions they ask you, they will recommend particular flooring materials based on your property and your lifestyle. In fact, this should open up an interesting dialogue between yourself and the flooring company that will take into account the following aspects of flooring:-

How your floor actually looks is obviously important. It has to complement the look and feel of your property - to look a part of it. Material and colour will be key attributes, so you may find yourself narrowing down your search considerably if you have hard-and-fast aesthetic requirements for your new floor.

The acoustics of a room greatly depend on its size, its walls, how much furnishings it has (that absorb sound), and how it's used. An office with minimal furnishings and a hard wooden floor might end up being quite noisy unless shoes are removed. Within a residential property, it's less of an issue, but still something to bear in mind in particular situations.

A slippy surface (even if it's aesthetically pleasing) in a room that you can expect a lot of traffic is probably not a good idea. Safety should take precedence over all other aspects.

Easy to clean?
A room that you can expect spills in (such as a kitchen) should have an easy-to-clean floor. It's something to bear in mind if you're thinking of going "all in" on aesthetics. Don't have regrets later on when you find the cleaning hard going.

A room that has a lot of traffic, and/or is likely to endure a lot of spills has to have a durable floor. For example, tiling, laminate or quality vinyl would be suitable for a kitchen.

As you can see, choosing what material to use for your floor isn't that easy. It's wise to weigh up the practical issues first, then select (with aesthetics in mind) from a limited range of flooring options that are fully appropriate for your property and needs first and foremost.

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