Ways to Maintain Your Garden All Year Round

Check the root quality of the plants you buy
If you're buying plants, note that healthy roots mean long-living plants. Roots should be strong and white, relatively equally spaced at the bottom of the plant. Weak roots tend to be dark and "mushy". A weak root system in a plant usually means it won't last very long. Know what you are buying!

Not all compost is the same!
Composting is a process, therefore waste material that might be labelled "compost" may not have gone through the entire process of decomposing. If that's the case, you may be introducing potential diseases to your garden. Always ensure the compost material you use is READY to be used. Avoid using it altogether for particular sensitive plants.

Keep it nice and clean in Autumn
Autumn always makes me work hard in the garden, because I don't wait for all the leaves to fall before I sweep them up. Yes, it's done over several days. Why? Because it's a good way to prevent diseases from spreading. The decomposition of leaves on the lawn is fodder for disease to take a hold of your garden and establish itself on your lawn.

Buy plants that fight disease
Plants such as tomatoes are active in fighting disease, and that helps not only protect them, but it helps prevent diseases from spreading. You'll need to do your own research online regarding which plants are "disease fighters" because nurseries rarely provide this information when you buy the plants.

Give plants space to grow
We all want a bigger garden (well, most of us!), but don't be tempted to try to squeeze in as many plants as possible. Choose your plants carefully and give them space to grow. Crowded plants create a humidity that can introduce diseases like Mildew. Remember also that plants are competing for light, water, and nutrients. Make sure each one is getting enough, and the best way to ensure that is to give them the space they need.

Water your garden carefully
Everybody knows a garden needs water, but what fewer people realise is that a garden needs just the right AMOUNT of water. Too much, and you can end up watering and nurturing diseases that just love gardens that remain moist in relatively warm conditions. More is not always more with water - roots can essentially drown in a waterlogged lawn...let the garden dry out after each watering.

Article kindly provided by evergreendirect.co.uk

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