Many people ask me what to expect when you get a new boiler installed in their home.
The first very important step is to get a boiler installer to inspect your home. The installer will look at the current boiler, your heating needs, and from this make some recommendations on possible replacement boilers - listing benefits and costs of each one. This really does two jobs:-
- assuming the installer is experienced, the recommendations will be appropriate for your home and your heating needs
- it allows the installer to see how your home is heated right now - this is a necessary first step in preparing for an installation
One your new boiler is installed, it is important that you keep it maintained properly. After all, you won't want your boiler to suddenly break down on you while you're away from home. Regular maintenance is an essential part of keeping your boiler working efficiently, but it should also be something that you get involved in from the beginning. If you take care of your boiler from the start, then you should be able to get it up and running when you get home in the shortest period of time possible.
When you first take possession of your new boiler, you should make sure that the boiler tank is filled up with enough water to run the system. If you find that you don't have enough water in the system when you start it up, then you should consider either reducing the amount of water you use or fitting a hot water storage tank.
It's important for your boiler to be maintained. The cost of hiring someone to maintain it will be paid back in the lower bills the maintenance will give you. For example, a dirty boiler will be less efficient than a clean one. You'll have lower bills and a warmer house compared to a poorly maintained boiler.
When it comes to boilers, this is one job around the house you should 100% outsource to professionals. Unless you are qualified to install or maintain boilers, leave it to the professionals.
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