Work Alongside Professionals on Your First DIY Project

For those of you that are just entering the universe of DIY home decoration projects, consider this article a primer on how you can take your first steps into what is a very rewarding hobby. However, it can be quite a daunting step. If you mess up, it can put you off DIY for life, which is a double-whammy - you make costly mistakes, and you're kind of traumatised by it and don't want to try it again - missing out in a rewarding hobby that isn't THAT difficult - it just needs an experienced hand to guide you away from the pitfalls beginners make!

And that's what this article is discussing: the strategy of working alongside a professional when starting out on your DIY journey! For sure, if you are doing any type of major re-arranging or remodeling in your kitchen or bathroom, the number one best way to avoid wasting money would be to coordinate with a professional home decorator. Don't try to literally do it all yourself. Rather, get both advice and help from a professional, and insist you want to work alongside them in an unintrusive way. Not every decorator is happy with this kind of arrangement, but you will find one who is - and you can act as a kind of apprentice on the job. It's a great way to learn the ropes without making costly mistakes.

With that tip out of the way, what about jobs you can handle yourself?

Well, what about giving old, worn and stained cabinets, counter tops, tiles, and other similar fixtures a fresh coat of paint? Actually, in most cases you can easily do the painting all by yourself. However, if the pieces of furniture are too large and/or too numerous, you can hire a professional to help you.

Redecorating your house is also a time to reconsider what furnishings you REALLY use and want to keep. It may be the case that you can get rid of 30% to 50% of your furnishings to give your property a more minimalist look. For example, the bookshelf in your living room. It's full of books you've read and you're not going to read again. It kind of looks nice, no doubt about it - but do you REALLY need it? Reimagine the room without it. Yes, redecorating your house is a time to reimagine it!

There are lots more DIY projects that you can do on your own. One popular DIY option is painting a feature wall. Just make sure you take lots of time reading through all the tips and instructions before you start, as well as taking your time to prepare and plan properly.

Article kindly provided by

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