A Look at When to Repair a Wooden Fence, and When to Replace It

As wood is a natural material, it is subject to damage in unique ways. It can crack, warp, become discoloured, and even rot. And so a wooden fence faces unique challenges in that respect - it's up against the elements all day long, every day. And not just the elements, but sometimes the wildlife too, such as termites and other insects.

And so wooden fencing needs to have an eye kept on it. Ultimately, the best thing you can do is maintain the integrity of the wood rather than react to problems. Putty and wood filler can patch small holes and cracks, but if you're experiencing severe damage like warping, you're more likely looking at replacement, not repairs.

So how to actually maintain a wooden fence? The aforementioned attention to small cracks and holes is a good start - that can prevent a small problem turning into a big one. You'll also want to have a stain / varnish the wood once a year or so. In general, you'll want to keep on top of any potential issues as soon as possible.

The quality of the wood will dictate the durability of your fence too.

Saying all of that, a lot of people rush into trying it on their own, and it can be an expensive mistake if you're inexperienced. You don't HAVE to do it yourself. If you need to find someone to help you with a fence repair, the best place to start your search is online. There are plenty of reputable companies that are more than happy to take on your fence repair job if it means they get to help you improve or even build your fence altogether. They will have the experience and expertise to diagnose any problems your fence may have, issue repairs and/or replacements and importantly, give you advice on how you can maintain your fence moving forward.

Article kindly provided by sanantoniofencecompany.net

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